Come join your colleagues at our Spring retreat. The event starts off with a Welcome reception on the evening of April 18.
April 19 and 20 programs begin with breakfast for more socializing with other bar executives before the programs begin. Details of the program to be announced and updated on this page. Please see below for lodging details.
Enjoy a group dinner (optional) the evening of April 19.
Sponsorship opportunities are available under the "ticket" pricing.
Interested in a scholarship to attend? ECLA offers limited scholarship assistance for the ECLA Spring Retreat and the California Lawyers Association Fall Bar Leaders Conference. Applicants must be a member of ECLA, the funding organization. In considering the award of ECLA scholarship assistance, preference will be given to applicants as listed in the Application. If interested, click the link to fill out the application.
Hotel information: You can book your reservation at the Marriott directly by clicking "Book my reservation". last day to reserve your room is April 1, 2024